Robust and nimble scientific workflows, using SpaDES

SpaDES Workshops
A multi-day workshop focusing on learning robust approaches to building reuseable, reproducible workflows for ecological applications

Eliot McIntire


May 8, 2024

Signup is still active below – please add your email address if you are interested

Date: June 11 - 13, 2024

Location: Virtual with MS Teams

The dates have been finalized!

Thanks to all who filled in the survey below.

Tentative Logistics

The workshop will be flexible in that you can attend/skip the sessions at your leisure and according to your own availability. Each session will be a combination of relatively short video presentations with “work-on-your-own” time, so that you can advance as fast as you want. We will maintain the virtual chat open throughout the day, including between video sessions, to allow for questions, troubleshooting, conversations etc. A detailed agenda of session times and topics, and details for the virtual room, will be circulated closer to the date.

We expect the workshop to run every day from 8:30am to 3:00pm Pacific Time. Our goal is to create a schedule of individual learning modules that we will follow precisely like a conference, so that people can disconnect and reconnect as needed.

We are developing a book that we will use for the workshop. We are slowly building up the chapters, please visit if you are curious, but the content will be edited on an ongoing basis until the workshop. (

We will be updating the logistics for the Workshop here: (

We look forward to connecting with you all in June!

Ceres and Eliot


If you are interested in participating, please sign up here. Please also indicate preferences of which topics are of interest and at what level. We will attempt to customize the workshop accordingly.